ThinkHow is an organization within Bioworld dedicated to supporting charitable efforts with a focus on the arts & children in our local community.
At Bioworld we ThinkHow we can stand out from the crowd by using our creativity and artistic resources to engage children and provide them with positive opportunities & experiences..
Not for profit, only for progress.
ThinkHow is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) service organization that brings a hands-on approach to improving educational opportunities and environments for children and young adults in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.
We partner with schools, youth centers, community leaders, and charities to make a real impact for children in our community.
Donated 10,000+ backpacks a year to Irving ISD
Donated school supplies to Irving ISD
Partnered with the North Texas Food Bank to pack lunches for kids in need
Monetarily donated annually to Irving ISD
Created mentorship programs for local youth professions
Want to partner with ThinkHow? Contact us at info@bioworldmerch.com