Complete Product Assortments | Global Fan Engagement | All Target Demographics

Case Study by Bioworld

We’re happy to say we’ve been global partners with Minecraft for many years.

“Every brand in the Bioworld ecosystem, benefits from custom strategies at every level of the go to market process.” Said Jason Mayes, Sr. Director of Marketing and Intellectual Property.”

We’ve been developing cross category collections for Minecraft for almost 10 years. They are incredibly supportive partners; they have excellent communication to their vendors and to their retailers. They really set a standard in terms of what a licensed partnership should look like.

We have an obsessive focus on product innovation. Partner that with world-wide trend analysis and that really sets Bioworld apart to the consumers.

We have created some beautiful fashion apparel for Minecraft. When people think of a gaming property with a younger consumer as the primary target, they think basic T-shirts. We have really elevated the fashion angle and the lifestyle approach in our apparel. It injects innovation into the evergreen brand and continues to elevate the product. We’ve done many cross-category ranges for retailers across the UK and Europe. Aesthetically very bespoke.

Even though the primary gaming target is a younger consumer, the original players are young adults now. There’s a real opportunity to design product specifically targeted to a person that grew up playing Minecraft. They're looking for things that meet their tastes, so the designs we bring to that consumer are specifically aged up.

Further, rounding out the gender balance in the youth market is a big opportunity. It's currently very heavily boys. We know there's a girl’s consumer out there. Ensuring that we have the right designs and distribution for that girl's consumer is a growth opportunity.

The European market is a growth opportunity for Bioworld as well. Every year we have grown the business significantly by consistently delivering trend-right product to the retailers that the fans love.


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